Are tattooed porn stars more popular?

Pornhub has an average of 92 million visitors per day, nearly 64,000 watching netizens per minute, and 962 searches per second.
Pornhub has counted the most searched keywords in 2018. The first is Stormy Daniels, an actress who claims to have a relationship with Trump. The second is the online game Fortnite and the third is 4K. And tattoo actually ranks seventh.
pornhub's 2018 review
The huge amount of data reveals the most hidden side of human beings. Earlier in the small movie world, there were fewer girls with tattoos, most of the boys. Of the tens of thousands of female practitioners, only dozens have tattoos. Relatively speaking, boys have a higher percentage of tattoos and even become a sign of their own characteristics.av girl who have tattoo
Maria Ozawa
So, what do Japanese male viewers think of AV actress tattoos?
Their favorite keywords, pure, loli, high school students.
Women with tattoos feel less tender.
Can't stand the person who likes it. In short, general perception has not been accepted by the public. Due to the special national conditions, Japanese film fans will feel that those girls who have tattoo are mixing underworld.
Japanese reviews
Japanese offices will consider that AV sales for women with tattoos are not good. Bald heads and perforations have the same impression. In order to avoid a bad look, don’t use it if you don’t need it. Even if you use it, you have to stick it with tape or powder.
av girl's picture
Taiwan writer once wrote in his article "Can tattoos not be exposed?”:
According to the information disclosed by some firms, even very popular front-line actresses have unspeakable secrets; frankly, filmmakers and firms are helpless, but after all, they can only control outside the actress ’s debut. The change in shape doesn't matter what they did on their bodies before their debut;
Therefore, in order to cover up the tattoos on their bodies, the actresses not only have to put on the tape to enter the battlefield, but the filmmakers also try to avoid close-ups of the tattooed parts when shooting to avoid exposure affecting the image.
tattoo girl
Relatively speaking, because of the openness of European and American culture, the more tattoos on the actor.
Krysta Kaos
In fact, the proportion of adult movie stars in the United States is higher than that of AV boys. 42% of girls have tattoos, compared to 24.4% of boys.
Compared to white Asian women, they have a higher proportion of tattooed men, while Latino men have a higher proportion of tattooed men than white men.
the % of pron stars who have a tattoo
Except for earrings, European and American women always wear various rings for appearances.
For example, tongue ring, eye ring, lip ring, etc., 40% of girls are perforating ~
Kleio Valentien
But now it is different. With the openness of young people's ideas, tattoos have gradually become a culture. Most people now think that these tattooed girls are very sexy.
There are no contraindications or obstacles to tattooing in Europe and the United States. For example, Japan, which talks about the change of tattoos, is more enlightened. For example, there are so many tattoos, 叶月レイラ’s work still wins the sales.
Through big data, we can clearly see and feel that human's original desires and sexual concepts are changing.
Isn't it a good thing to express and satisfy individual desires justly, and to pursue happiness?

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